Axolotl News Letter
The Axolotl Newsletter was published from 1976 - 2003 (see below). The Newsletters contains information about axolotl care and use, and non-peer reviewed scientific articles. Requests for all back issues of the Newsletter are available as a 3 CD set for $60.00. Please use an order form to purchase this set. Numbers 1-9 and 10-14 are bound together. Individual copies of numbers 1-14 may be available on a limited basis for those who want only a single issue. Numbers 15 through the 2003 issue are available singly. Issues 26 (Fall 1997), 27 (Fall 1998), 28 (Summer 2000) and 29 (Fall 2001) are available online as PDF documents.(see below) Shipping for paper bound Newsetters is $5.
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Issue 30 Summer 2003 |
Fall 2001, Issue #29:
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Issue 29 Fall 2001 |
Archives - Issue Number and Date
Table of Contents Issue 1, Spring 1976
* History of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony by R.R. Humphrey
* Research Notes: Research summary of the c gene in the Mexican axolotl by J.T. Justus
* Bibliography of general review articles on the axolotl as a research animal
* Bibliography of staging series used for the axolotl
* List of mutant genes described for the Mexican axolotl by A.J. Brothers
* Histocompatibility groups by L.E. DeLanney
Table of Contents Issue 2, Fall 1976
* Research notes: A summary of stages of limb regeneration in the axolotl by Bruce M. Carlson
* Symposium announcement:Developmental Genetics of the Early Embryo
* Symposium schedule
* Abstracts of principal lectures
Table of Contents Issue 3, Spring 1977
* Everything you wanted to know about creating a strain of axolotls carrying a tiger salamander gene but were afraid to ask by Sally Hennen
* Report on symposium: Developmental Genetics of the Early Embryo
* Instructions for the care and feeding of axolotls by A.J. Brothers
* Hatching brine shrimp eggs by Larry Lawrence
Table of Contents Issue 4, Fall 1977
* Communication from A.J. Brothers
* Technical Note: Another brine shrimp hatchery by Wayne A. Moyer
* Symposium announcements
* Tentative symposium schedule: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl
* Abstracts of papers to be presented at the symposium: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl
Table of Contents Issue 5, Spring 1978
* Meeting report - Toronto, 1977: Developmental Genetics of the Mexican Axolotl by R. Tompkins
* The strain background of the cardiac gene by L.M. Lawrence
* Pressure induction of triploids in the axolotl by L.L. Gillespie and J.B. Armstrong
* The o mutant of the Mexican axolotl, an instructive lecture topic for a developmental biology course by R.A. Tassava and B.A. Stover
* Poem: "Biotectonics" by T. Weiant
Table of Contents Issue 6, Fall 1978
* Publications of R.R. Humphrey
* Directory of axolotl colonies
* How are your standards? by G.W. Nace
* Sources of amphibians for research by G.W. Nace and J.K. Rosen (supplement)
Table of Contents Issue 7, Spring 1979
* Table of stages of the normal development of axolotl embryos by N.P. Bordzilovskaya and T.A. Dettlaff
* Breeding of axolotls in aquaria by William R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Protozoan cure by William R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Cartoon: Makes one want to axolotl questions
* Additions to Directory of Axolotl Colonies
* Addendum to Bibliography of R.R. Humphrey
Table of Contents Issue 8, Fall 1979
* Availability of experimental material by F. Bacher and N. Montoya
* Bibliography of recent research on axolotls by L. Lawrence and P. Riesenman
* Axolotl recipes by R. Brandon
* More cartoons
Table of Contents Issue 9, Spring 1980
Section I: Diseases
* Introduction by Larry M. Lawrence
* Infections of the axolotl: summary of data
* Treatments and dosages by Warren F. Fox
* Dosages of injectible antibiotics
* Diseases of axolotls in the amphibian colony of the Hubrecht Laboratory, Utrecht, The Netherlands, in the period 1974-1980 by R. Verhoeff-de Fremery
* Raised epidermal ridge disease by Warren F. Fox
* A skin disease affecting limb regeneration by David L. Stocum
* Gram positive bacterial infection of the axolotl by Robert K. Alico and William R. Forbes
* A lethal sporozoan parasite causing skin pustules by Larry M. Lawrence
* Fairleigh Dickinson University's axolotl colony: diseases and abnormalities by Gervasia Schreckenberg
* A lethal syndrome in the axolotl: anemia with enlargement of the liver and spleen by L.M. Lawrence
* Miscellaneous diseases and other notes
Section II: Culture Conditions
* Axolotls in the lab by Rudolf Brun
* The maintenance of Ambystoma mexicanumin the Hubrecht Laboratory by R. Verhoeff-de Fremery
* Notes on maintaining axolotls in aquaria by Wm. R. Forbes and Carol Sue Forbes
* Toxic effects of ammonia and nitrate on axolotls in filtered aquariums by Warren F. Fox
* Problems with plastics and axolotls by Warren F. Fox
* Raising axolotls in individual containers by Kirsti Lampiaho
* Making the transition from bowls to aquaria by Larry M. Lawrence and Nathan A. Montoya
Short Note
* Second addition to Bibliography of Works of R.R. Humphrey
Table of Contents Issue 10, Winter 1981
* Induced spawnings and artificial insemination in the axolotl by J. Armstrong and L. Gillespie
* Manipulation of the sex life of the Mexican axolotl by S. Lovtrup
* Polarities of the amphibian blastula by S. Lovtrup
* Publication announcement: Progres recents en biologie du developpement des amphibiens by J. Signoret
* Correction (re. disease treatment)
* The worried axolotl a poem by Ralph Lewin
Table of Contents Issue 11, Winter 1982
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1982 by Fran Briggs
* Axial designations for the limbs of Ambystoma and Notophthalmus by Warren F. Fox
* Is MS 222 mutagenic: a sex-linked lethal test by Karen A. Fahrner
* Additon to the axolotl colony directory by Shelley Helen Waldorf
* Towards the development of a practical method for reversing the sex (male to female) of large numbers of Ambystoma mexicanum by Stephen A. Bodney
* Update on "Raised epidermal ridge disease" by Warren F. Fox
* Ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate: causes of disease in axolotls and prevention of their toxic effects by Warren F. Fox
* Two pathologic populations of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) in Utah by Peter Hovingh
* Some tips for feeding finicky axolotls by Nathan Montoya
* Histological methods for axolotl tissues
Table of Contents Issue 12, Winter 1983
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1983 by Fran Briggs
* Modified bismuth staining procedure for axolotl tissue by Ken Muneoka, Warren F. Fox, and Susan V. Bryant
* An inexpensive macrophotography setup for amphibian embryos by J.S. Frost
* Reprint from Lab Animal of "Ol' Pink Eyes" by Howard Blatt
* Meeting announcement: 4th Biennial Forum on Regeneration by Charles E. Dinsmore
* Request for information by B.C. Goodwin
* Central Valley Biologicals Center for Reptile and Amphibian Propagation by Bob Barnes and Ron Trimper
* Amphibian BioTech, Inc. by George W. Nace
* Culture of crickets: a food for amphibians and reptiles by George W. Nace and Joseph K. Buttner
* Update of bibliography of recent research on axolotls
Table of Contents Issue 13, Winter 1984
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1984 by Fran Briggs
* Isozymes in the axolotl by John B. Armstrong and Gillian M. Cooper
* Two new genes discovered in recently imported stock of Ambystoma mexicanum by Fran Briggs
* Further notes on pathologic populations of tiger salamanders in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah by Katherine Worthylake
* Survey of the reproductive capacities of three separate age groups of wild-type Ambystoma mexicanum (Dutch strain) by Romee Verhoeff-de Fremery
* A three year survey of reporductive capacity in the Indiana University Axolotl Colony by Fran Briggs
* Factors influencing axolotl spawnings at Developmental Biology Center, Univ. of California, Irvine, CA by Warren F. Fox
* How I get eggs out of axolotls by J.M.W. Slack
* Description of an aquarium for maintaining axolotls by Craig Watson
* Residual seasonality in laboratory axolotls by John B. Armstrong and William S. Fletcher
* The University of Ottawa Axolotl Colony by John B. Armstrong
* A cautionary note concerning chloramine treated tap water by Warren F. Fox
* Labile water quality parameters in amphibian holding systems by J.K. Buttner and G.W. Nace
* Workshop on Amphibian Larval Biology by Richard Wassersug
* New journal announcement: Alytes
* Center for Reptile and Amphibian Propagation (metamorphosis note) by Bob Barnes and Ron Trimper
* Reprint of histological sections by Warren F. Fox
Table of Contents Issue 14, Spring 1985
* Control mechanism involved in pigment cell differentiation - the axolotl as a model system by Sally K. Frost
* Selective innervation of axolotl limb muscles by Donald J. Wigston
* The axolotl embryo as a model for studies of neural crest cell migration by Jan Lofberg
* Benzocaine: an excellent amphibian anesthetic by Joseph W. Vanable, Jr.
* Central Valley Biological by Bob Barnes
* Need a fast frog? by George M. Malacinski
* In search of axolotl tumors? by George M. Malacinski
* Call for information on crowding
* Workshop on Larval Amphibian Biology (announcement)
* Fifth Midwest Forum on Regeneration (announcement)
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
Table of Contents Issue 15, Winter 1986
* The state of the colony at the end of 1985 by Craig E. Watson
* The behavior and morphology of urodele pigment cells in vitro by Richard P. Tucker and Carol A. Erickson
* Gynogenesis: a means of rapidly creating inbred lines? by John Armstrong
* Status of the umea Axolotl Colony 1985 by Soren Lovtrup and Mats-Olof Mattsson
* Pinhead (pi): a new mutant gene affecting craniofacial development in the axolotl by Anton W. Neff and Fran Briggs
* Pinhead (pi) lineage by Susan T. Duhon
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
* Cartoon
* Indices for Newsletters 1-15
Table of Contents Issue 16, Winter 1987
* State of the Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1987 by Susan Duhon
* Axolotl genomic library
* Ambystoma embryo development after cold storage by Mary F. Ginsburg, Laura H. Twersky, and William D. Cohen
* Erythrocyte morphogenesis in the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum by Mary F. Ginsburg, Laura H. Twersky, and William D. Cohen
* Gene e (eyeless) research programs by Gerald W. Eagleson, William A. Harris, Rudolf B. Brun, and Robert B. Cuny
* A unique reference manual for salamander neuroanatomy by Takatoshi Nagai
* Forthcoming volume: Developmental Biology of the Axolotl
* Inventory of live reptiles and amphibians
* Update of bibliography of recent research on axolotls
* Midwest Regional Developmental Biology Conference (announcement)
* Sixth Biennial Regeneration Forum (announcement)
* Cartoon from Hiromichi Koyama
* Exit Laughing from Field and Stream
Table of Contents Issue 17, Spring 1988
* The Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1988 by Susan Duhon
* Artificial boundaries between epidermis and neural plate produce neural folds in the axolotl by J. David Moury and Antone G. Jacobson
* Establishment of a flow-through water system to maintain a colony of axolotls carrying the pi gene by Sandra Borland and Anton W. Neff
* An axolotl identity crisis by David J. Able
* The I.U. Axolotl Colony's short guide to the care and feeding of axolotls by Susan Duhon
* An economical, balanced diet for Xenopus by David J. Able
Table of Contents Issue 18, Spring 1989
* The Indiana University Axolotl Colony - 1989 by Susan T. Duhon
* Natural history, ecology, and evolution of the Mexican "axolotls" by H. Bradley Shaffer
* The axolotl in its native habitat by Hobart M. Smith
* Courtship and mating behavior in the axolotl by Heather L. Eisthen
* Astronautls by Gary P. Radice
* A Turing model to explain heart development by John B. Armstrong
* Rufus Richard Humphrey's contribution to zoological nomenclature by Hobart M. Smith
* The axolotl by Juan Jose Arreola
* Book announcement: Developmental Biology of the Axolotl
Table of Contents Issue 19, Spring 1990
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Susan T. Duhon
* The lateral line system of the axolotl by R. Glenn Northcutt
* Taste system in the axolotl: physiology and anatomy by Takatoshi Nagai
* Vomeronasal systems in aquatic salamanders: axolotls smell better than fish by Heather Eisthen, Dale Sengelaub, and Jeff Alberts
* Molecular biology of the axolotl
* The use of lacZ fusion constructs as a cell lineage marker in the axolotl by Mary Whiteley, William S. Fletcher, and John B. Armstrong
* Whole-mount immunocytochemistry in axolotl embryos by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Treatment of Columnaris disease in aquatic salamanders by Deborah A. Schaefer and Heather L. Eisthen
* Book review: The axolotl lacks little by Malcolm Maden
Table of Contents Issue 20, Spring 1991
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Sandra J. Borland
* One gene two eyes? by Rudolf B. Brun
* New perspectives on embryonic lens induction by Robert M. Grainger and Jonathan J. Henry
* Readout mechanisms for the optically activated skin camouflage reactions of Ambystoma larvae by Paul Pietsch and Carl W. Schneider
* Tests of motion vision and phototaxis in salamander larvae by Carl W. Schneider, Barbara W. Marquette, and Paul Pietsch
* A reevaluation of the cardiac mutant by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Myotome myogenesis in the Mexican axolotl by Anton W. Neff
* Bacterial study of axolotls by Rebecca A. Schlotter and Brian M. Ward
* An effective acquisiton and stable containment technique for Ambystoma mexicanum whole blood by Charles F. Zwemer
* Indices for issues 16 to 20
Table of Contents Issue 21, Summer 1992
* IU Axolotl Colony update by Sandra J. Borland and Susan T. Duhon
* International Workshop on Axolotls and other Urodeles (announcement)
* Heart development in cardiac mutant axolotls by Larry F. Lemanski, Sherrie M. La France, Nihan Erginel-Unaaltuna, Margaret E. Fransen, Tushar K. Ray, masako Nakatsugawa, Sharon L. Lemanski, and Dipak K. Dube
* Growth factors in axolotl cardiac induction by Anthony J. Muslin
* Respiratory gas exchanger partitioning in Ambystoma mexicanum during an aquatic hypoxic challenge by Charles F. Zwemer
* Changes in the cell cycles during early embryogenesis of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Alexei G. Desnitski
* Pacific Aquaculture by Robert D. Royer
* New identification system makes 'axolotl life' easier by Sandra J. Borland
* Spawning axolotls at IU: a ten-year history by Susan T. Duhon
Table of Contents Issue 22, Spring 1993
* Axolotl Colony update - 1993 by Susan T. Duhon
* The International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Axolotls and other Urodeles (announcement)
* Amphibian metamorphosis by Anne Phaff Ussing and Per Rosenkilde
* Amphibian immunology with a special emphasis on axolotl haematology by Anne Phaff Ussing and Per Rosenkilde
* Heart induction in the cardiac mutant axolotl: a reply by John B. Armstrong and Steven C. Smith
* Beyond the heart of the matter: other effects of the cardiac mutation by Steven C. Smith and John B. Armstrong
* Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of ambystomatid salamanders by S. Randal Voss
* Cell lineage analysis of blastomeres of the marginal zone in the 32-cell stage embryo of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl by Michel Delarue and J.C. Boucaut
* Oocyte transfer in the axolotl by Jean-Claude Beetschen and Christiane Daguzan
* mRNA isolation and RT-PCR using small amounts of embryonic axolotl tissue by Hui B. Sun, Anton W. Neff, George M. Malacinski, and Anthony L. Mescher
Table of Contents Issue 23, Summer 1994
* Meeting report: International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Axolotls and other Urodeles
* Uronet
* The salamander immune system: right and wrong by Jim Kaufman and Heiner Volk
* Axolotl immunology: lymphocytes, cytokines, and alloincompatibility reactions by Nicholas Cohen and Anne Koniski
* You've got to have heart...or do you? by Jo-Ann E. Mellish, Alan W. Pinder, and Steven C. Smith
* Molecular characterization of the conditioned medium which promotes myofibrillogenesis in cardiac mutant axolotls by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* Protein synthesis during heart development in normal and cardiac mutant axolotls by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* A brief history of the premature death (p) mutation by Ann C. Graveson and John B. Armstrong
* Metamorphic stages in Ambystoma mexicanum by Agustina Cano-Martinez, Alvaro Vargas-Gonzalez, and Miguel Asai
* Radiologic study of limb regeneration in the axolotl by Christopher Preachuk
* Alcohol teratology of the axolotl embryo by Sandra Clark
* Axolotl's shuffle by Tsutomu Miyake
* An amphibian farm in Tennessee by Charles D. Sullivan
Table of Contents Issue 24, Fall 1995
* Director's note by George M. Malacinski
* Axolotl colony update by Susan Duhon
* Axolotls in the second grade by Virginia Coppedge
* Axolotls in my third grade classroom by Fred Walden
* A brief history of the axolotl at Rufus King High School By Jonathan Knopp
* Using the axolotl in undergraduate course work and research (re-awakening student curiosity for living creatures) by Karen Crawford
* Pheromonal control of male courtship behavior in Ambystoma mexicanum: A laboratory exercise in comparative neurobiology by Linda E. Muske
* Microsurgery on axolotl embryos: an essay describing a multifaceted undergraduate learning experience by George M. Malacinski
* Cell and hybridoma technology course at the State University of New York College at Fredonia by Bruce Tomlinson
* An amphibian farm in Tennessee by Charles D. Sullivan
* Why is cardiac lethal? by Steven C. Smith
* Cloning and expression of a homeobox (Hox A5) gene in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Arun Gaur, Dipak K. Dube, and Larry F. Lemanski
* Expression of a novel protein associated with heart development in the Mexican axolotl by Nihan Erginel-Unaltuna, Dipak K. Dube, Kent G. Salsbury, and Larry F. Lemanski
Table of Contents Issue 25, Fall 1996
* News from the Axolotl Colony by Susan Duhon
* Director's note by George M. Malacinski
* Axolotl Colony Price List
* Axolotl Colony Registration Form
* Ambystomid salmanders can see ultraviolet (UV) light: evidence for UV photoreceptors in the eyes of axolotls by Mark Deutschlander and J.B. Phillips
* Amphibian Maintenance Facilities at Sogang University, Korea by Wonsun Kim
* Axolotl Larvae Housing Methods by Cheryl A. Nugas
* Corwin Lab Axolotl Protocols by Anne Hennig
* Axolotl Housing and Care at St. Mary's College of Maryland and What is an Axocondo? by Karen Crawford
* Raising Axolotl Larvae by Peggy Egar
* Raising Axolotl Larvae by Linda Muske
* Northcutt Lab Larval Rearing Methods:1996 by R. Glenn Northcutt and Linda Barlow
* Inexpensive and Low Maintenance Facility for Housing Axolotls by M. Moody and G. Thibaudeau
* Housing and Feeding Larval Axolotls by Carl Schneider
* Axolotl Care at Indiana University Northwest by Timothy Stabler
* Maintaining Larvae by Katia Del Rio Tsonis
* Simple Brine Shrimp Hatchery by Brent Mundy
* Terrestrial Axolotl Care Shee (Ambystoma mexicanum) by Brent Mundy
* Indices, Issues 21-25
Table of Contents Issue 26, Fall 1997
Issue 26 is available online. Black&White PDF Color PDF
* News from the Director by George M. Malacinski
* News from the Axolotl Colony by Susan T. Duhon
* Thyroxine induced metamorphosis in a neotenic axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum): Gills, Lungs, and Capillaries by C.M. Coleman and A.C. Hessler
* Effect of 60 Hz ambient magnetic fields on the development of axolotl embryos by M. Abdel-Hadi and R. Gordon
* The axolotl and its native habitat -- yesterday and today by Susan T. Duhon
Table of Contents Issue 27, Fall 1998
Issue 27 is available online. Black&White PDF Color PDF
* Note from the Director by George M. Malacinski
* Frontiers of the Biology of Amphibia Symposium Notice
* Axolotl Colony Price List for 1998-1999
* Breedint the Axolotl in its Native Habitat by V. Graue, J. Sánchez Robles, G. Castro, O. Cuamatzi, J. Márquez, and M. Vázquez
* Xochimiloco Today by Susan T. Duhon
* Axolotls in the Second Grade Chapter Two by Virginia Coppedge
Issue 28 is available online. PDF(896KB) PDF(3.9MB)